一辆失控冲来的客车,一个生死瞬间的选择,她把学生推开,自己却被卷入车轮下,失去了双腿,她就是“最美**”张丽莉。人们钦佩她,称她为“最美”,人们也心疼、着急、担心:她今后怎么办?义举,创伤,往往相伴而生,她把“最美”送给社会,社会也把最美的赞誉送给她,人们期盼她能醒来,因为她是最美的向阳花,她令人再一次相信:见义勇为、舍身救人并非遥远的传说和童话。不过,这次除了赞美外,人们还有了更多的思考:如何不让英雄“流血又流泪”。就从张丽莉老师开始,希望半月、半年、一年之后,当眼下的高度关注渐渐平复之后,还有相应的制度在保证她过得相对幸福,她还能享受到社会持续的爱与敬意。这不仅是一个社会对她这样的英雄应有的尊重和保障,也是维系人们心中应有的道德文明的需要,因为这样才会有更多的人从善如流,选择成为有道德感、正义感的好人。社会应当为这种牺牲承担一定的补偿,所以在制度上要明确,在见义勇为基金不足以补偿的情况下,**要承担起先行垫付的责任。此外,还要通过完善社会保障、医疗保障体系来提供全面、有效的保障,来进一步**救治见义勇为者的难题。在目前的科学发展水平下,天灾有时难免,但**却可以避免。要说从制度上去关爱“最美”,那也需要从源头做起。就此事来说,祸起肇事司机的疏忽大意,而且学校的门口没有警示牌。肇事司机的责任会受到法律的追究,但法律追究也不能使时光倒流、使这位最美**像从前那样健康地站立,这是好人的伤痛,也是公众的无奈,而我们能做的是以此为鉴,杜绝此类伤痛重演。如果对生命、对职业的基本尊重和敬畏都没有,那会产生多少安全隐患,又会有多少“最美”的人因此流血又流泪?所以,要让英雄不白白流血又流泪,每个人也都可以从自己做起,多一份对生命的责任感、多一份敬业之心。 英文 may 8, 2012 nights, in a bus suddenly lost control and drove toward the critical point, student zhang, li li despite life-threatening, stepping forward to rescue two students were involved in the car was crushed, and legs, and ** still high amputation had been unconscious. she was just 29 years old th** year ... th** extraordinary moment, and she touched the hearts of the people of the present illness affects more people's hearts, zhang, li li's deeds in the community, she has found a strong concern everyone called "the most beautiful women teachers. she lives in the student ** seriously threatened, the crucial moment, stood up, and sacrificed h** life to the hope of life left for dead, and the students left to their own r**k, and the weakness in their own body support a life of the sky, the action has written a song to feel the day the love chant. she has been practicing traditional chinese virtues of br**ery, highlighting the good image of the good practice examples of social**t core values. after th** the young man of 80 female teachers, composed with h** life that the greatest love songs. needs of the community th** ** energy, she ** a well-deserved the best teachers.
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